Tuesday, 1 May 2012

My Health and Fitness Journey.. From Member to Trainer.

What I love about Step into Life Aberfoyle Park is hearing the different stories and motivations of its members and why they decided to train with us. 

Everybody has a story and  over the next few weeks I will be posting testimonials from the members in the hope that something they have said sparks your interest and helps you with your own health and fitness journeys. 

However, before I post these I am going to tell you my story.....

My journey with Step into Life started nearly 4 years ago. At the time I was working full time with 2 young children under the the age of 3.. I was the heaviest I had ever been and very unhappy with myself. I had always considered myself an active person however, motherhood and working full time had taken its toll and I had forgotten to look after myself.  

The breaking point was when I was away on holidays with the family and I was miserable. I was no longer the person I wanted to be and I had to do something about it.. While we were away I noticed a Step into Life sign across the road from the hotel and I saw the group training one morning. It was then I decided that  enough was enough and  I didn't want  to be unfit and unhealthy anymore. I made the decision to ring Step into Life when I got home.

On my return I  contacted Step into Life  and attended my  first session the next day.. I remember being really nervous and concerned that I would be embarrassingly unfit.. However, that didn't matter to the group because from the 1st session the  members and trainers were some of the most supportive encouraging people I had ever meet. 

In my first few months I did experience shin splints, feet  and knee issues. However, I was determined to overcome these barriers if I was to become fit and healthy.. I also wanted to be a role model for my 2 young daughters so they would lead healthy active lifestyles as they get older.  I did sort these issues out and I started to see the results and was feeling the fittest I ever had.   All of a sudden I realised that I wasn't the member that was struggling to get around the oval and I was actually keeping up with the fitter ones in the group and it felt great. 

It was around this time I was approached to become a trainer. At first I laughed at the idea as I had never in my wildest dreams thought of myself as a PT.. I wasn't the sporty, skinny type I had envisaged all PT's to be.  However, there was a part of me saying it is a great way to help others lead better lives by becoming fitter and healthier. Belonging to Step into Life had done wonders for me why not pay it forward and help others now.  

From here I did the study and became a trainer and loved it!! I had found a new passion and a positive way to make a difference in other peoples lives. 

In February 2011 I  took the big step of launching Step into Life Aberfoyle Park. This  has enabled me to help many members of the community take positive steps towards their own health and fitness.  It  has been  inspirational to see the  members take such positive steps and achieve things they never thought possible.  

I look back on my health and fitness journey and I'm amazed how far I have come and how I now have the privilege of helping others make there own positive journeys to a fitter healthier future. 

My future direction is to help as many members in the community find their own health and fitness journeys and  I am so excited about being able to do this.

In regards to my own health and fitness I have had to adjust my goals  as I have far exceeded my own expectations from 4 years ago.. 

I now know the sky is the limit when we put our minds to it. I hope in 4 years time  both you as the reader of this blog and I  are once again planning new goals as we have  exceed the goals we have set for ourselves today. 

1 comment:

  1. I would love to hear your story or where you would like your story to go. Send me a message, post it here or you can tell me over coffee..I'm here to listen and help.

    Phone: 0412 470 480
    Email: aberfoylepark@stepintolife.com
