Sunday, 14 August 2011

Week 11.. Starch out..

Week 11 Challenge: Starch Out

In this second last week of our challenge we are going to cut down on the starchy foods for the week.

So why are we doing this? Well Starchy foods generally have a high glycaemic index (GI) and High glycaemic index (GI) foods are known to cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, which in turn causes an increase in the amount of insulin. High amounts of insulin in the bloodstream increase fat storage.

For this reason it is best to reduce starchy foods including; potatoes,
pumpkin, peas, corn, pasta, bread, biscuits and rice. Sorry!! But most fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, nuts and seeds are fine. It is very hard to live life entirely starch free, so try to stick to one meal with starch per day.

However, for this week see if you can have a starch free week.

Week 10 Topic: The motivational cycle – Will I / Won’t I

ü Fact 1: Research has found that people who document their goals significantly achieve more than those who did not. Dominican University 2008

ü Fact 2: Over 90% of people exercising with their partner or friends stick to the exercise regimen

ü Fact 3: 95% of people who lose weight by dieting regain the weight plus 5% within 3 years

ü Healthy Eating Tip: When organising a meal try and have a range of colours on your plate – Reds/ Oranges/ Yellow/ Greens/ Brown

ü Motivational Tip: Be an optimist! Celebrate that you are losing weight and confirm for yourself how much you have lost.

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