Week 8. Challenge. - Chocolate Free.
Topic – Eating out
Challenge – Chocolate Free
This week for the “Move it and Lose it “ challenge we are going Chocolate Free!!! However, before you panic we will make an allowance for a little bit of Dark Chocolate.
So your probably asking yourself why are we allowing Dark Chocolate but not milk or white chocolate?
Well there is growing research that indicates that Dark chocolate unlike the other varieties are full of antioxidants which helps fight against cardio cardiovascular disease.
If you would like to know more about the health benefits of Dark Chocolate here are some great articles on the topic..
Topic: Eating out
Fact 1: Research (CDC 2006) has found that the world increase in Body Mass Index matches the increase in frequency of eating at Restaurants
Fact 2: Portion sizes or snacks and meals has increased significantly over the last decade.
Fact 3: In 1972, we spent 3 billion a year on fast food - today we spend more than $110 billion
To overcome these issues when eating out follow the tips in this great article.
Healthy Eating Tip: When eating a meal put your knife and fork down between bites and have a sip of water before picking them up again.
Motivational Tip: Create a playlist of music that motivates and inspires you to keep focused and on track. Play them every morning and whenever you feel you need extra motivation.
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